Founding of the company

The company was founded more that 40 years ago by our father Giulio Cesari who was employed for long time at CNR (National Research Council in ITALY). During 40 years of activity the company has projected and produced different instrument for aerobiological monitoring and atmospheric research. A particular thanks to our friend Dott. Paolo Mandrioli that has followed and supported us for all this time.


VPPS2000 Hirst type impactor.

In these years VPPS2000 born. It’s the first impactor of Hirst type realized by our company. It’s an evolution of what market offered during these years, in particular it’s realized completely in Alluminum and for this reason is was very robust and reliable.


Airborne Isokinetic Sampler

This istrument was used for aerosol measurements in some sampling campaigns ind Italy and USA using CESSNA 172 airplane.


SPS3000 Andersen Cascade Impactor

The 6 stage impactor is a multi-orifice, cascade impactor which has been widely used as a standard to measure the concentration and particle size distribution of culturable bacteria and fungi in ambient air as well as other bioaerosols, like viruses. The old photo beside is an application of the instrument in Antarctict.


Cooperation in Rain sampler development.

Our company has cooperated with other companies of the territory in develomement of instrument for rain analysis. The Wet&Dry was intended to collect solid depositions, both wet and dry and make them available for further laboratory analysis. The “Cinese” was used in Italy and USA for automatic rain analysis.


VPPS1000 portable Hirst type impactor

Portable version of Hirst impactor made in particular for interior sampling. Was made of wood and aluminum. Was realized also to be more portable that VPPS2000 and battery powered.



We developed the first automatic machine for the production of easyStrip. It was a challeng for us due to the hight viscosity of the silicone used (1000000 cSt).


VPPS2010 Economical Hirst type impactor

This was a derivation of VPPS2000 to reduce costs. Also was equipped with batteries for mains indipendent supply.


easySPT100 first prototype.

We decided to invest our resources in a new family of samplers that would be a bridge between the past and the future. We have therefore developed the easySPT philosophy that, starting from a common base, can allow the current and future development of different types of sampling systems. Without losing contact with the past past ( Hirst type sampler), we are developing new systems like Cyclone that will fit in the same base.


easySPT100 full production

After some years of tests, modification, and adjustment we started with production of the definitive sampler. Together with the start of production of easySPT100 we started also to sell direcly our products that up to this moment was been delegated only to distributors.



In accordance with the easySPT philosopy, we realized the Cyclone samler easySPT300. Based on the easySPT100 body it’s equipped with a dry inverse Cyclone head.